| ||||||||
| ||||||||
| ||||||||
Description | ||||||||
An iterator is an abstract datatype representing a pointer into a TextBuffer. | ||||||||
Synopsis | ||||||||
Types | ||||||||
newtype TextIter | ||||||||
| ||||||||
Methods | ||||||||
mkTextIter :: Ptr TextIter -> IO TextIter | ||||||||
makeEmptyTextIter :: IO TextIter | ||||||||
textIterGetBuffer :: TextIter -> IO TextBuffer | ||||||||
Return the TextBuffer this iterator is associated with. | ||||||||
textIterCopy :: TextIter -> IO TextIter | ||||||||
Copy the iterator. | ||||||||
textIterGetOffset :: TextIter -> IO Int | ||||||||
Extract the offset relative to the beginning of the buffer. | ||||||||
textIterGetLine :: TextIter -> IO Int | ||||||||
Extract the line of the buffer. | ||||||||
textIterGetLineOffset :: TextIter -> IO Int | ||||||||
Extract the offset relative to the beginning of the line. | ||||||||
textIterGetVisibleLineOffset :: TextIter -> IO Int | ||||||||
Extract the offset relative to the beginning of the line skipping invisible parts of the line. | ||||||||
textIterGetChar :: TextIter -> IO (Maybe Char) | ||||||||
Return the character at this iterator. | ||||||||
textIterGetSlice :: TextIter -> TextIter -> IO String | ||||||||
Return the text in a given range.
| ||||||||
textIterGetText :: TextIter -> TextIter -> IO String | ||||||||
Return the text in a given range.
| ||||||||
textIterGetVisibleSlice :: TextIter -> TextIter -> IO String | ||||||||
Return the visible text in a given range.
| ||||||||
textIterGetVisibleText :: TextIter -> TextIter -> IO String | ||||||||
Return the visible text in a given range.
| ||||||||
textIterGetPixbuf :: TextIter -> IO (Maybe Pixbuf) | ||||||||
Get the Pixbuf under the iterator. | ||||||||
textIterBeginsTag :: TextIter -> TextTag -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Query whether a TextIter is at the start of a TextTag. | ||||||||
textIterEndsTag :: TextIter -> TextTag -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Query whether a TextIter is at the end of a TextTag. | ||||||||
textIterTogglesTag :: TextIter -> TextTag -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Query if the TextIter is at the beginning or the end of a TextTag. | ||||||||
textIterHasTag :: TextIter -> TextTag -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Check if TextIter is within a range tagged with tag. | ||||||||
textIterEditable :: TextIter -> Bool -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Check if TextIter is within an editable region.
| ||||||||
textIterCanInsert :: TextIter -> Bool -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Check if new text can be inserted at TextIter.
| ||||||||
textIterStartsWord :: TextIter -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Determine if TextIter begins a new natural-language word. | ||||||||
textIterEndsWord :: TextIter -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Determine if TextIter ends a new natural-language word. | ||||||||
textIterInsideWord :: TextIter -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Determine if TextIter is inside a word. | ||||||||
textIterStartsLine :: TextIter -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Determine if TextIter begins a new line. | ||||||||
textIterEndsLine :: TextIter -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Determine if TextIter point to the beginning of a line delimiter.
| ||||||||
textIterStartsSentence :: TextIter -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Determine if TextIter starts a sentence. | ||||||||
textIterEndsSentence :: TextIter -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Determine if TextIter ends a sentence. | ||||||||
textIterInsideSentence :: TextIter -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Determine if TextIter is inside a sentence. | ||||||||
textIterIsCursorPosition :: TextIter -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Determine if TextIter is at a cursor position. | ||||||||
textIterGetCharsInLine :: TextIter -> IO Int | ||||||||
Return number of characters in this line.
| ||||||||
textIterIsEnd :: TextIter -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Determine if TextIter is at the end of the buffer. | ||||||||
textIterIsStart :: TextIter -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Determine if TextIter is at the beginning of the buffer. | ||||||||
textIterForwardChar :: TextIter -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Move TextIter forwards.
| ||||||||
textIterBackwardChar :: TextIter -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Move TextIter backwards.
| ||||||||
textIterForwardChars :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Move TextIter forwards by n characters.
| ||||||||
textIterBackwardChars :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Move TextIter backwards by n characters.
| ||||||||
textIterForwardLine :: TextIter -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Move TextIter forwards.
| ||||||||
textIterBackwardLine :: TextIter -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Move TextIter backwards.
| ||||||||
textIterForwardLines :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Move TextIter forwards by n lines.
| ||||||||
textIterBackwardLines :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Move TextIter backwards by n lines.
| ||||||||
textIterForwardWordEnds :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Move TextIter forwards by n word ends.
| ||||||||
textIterBackwardWordStarts :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Move TextIter backwards by n word beginnings.
| ||||||||
textIterForwardWordEnd :: TextIter -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Move TextIter forwards to the next word end.
| ||||||||
textIterBackwardWordStart :: TextIter -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Move TextIter backwards to the next word beginning.
| ||||||||
textIterForwardCursorPosition :: TextIter -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Move TextIter forwards to the next cursor position. | ||||||||
textIterBackwardCursorPosition :: TextIter -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Move TextIter backwards to the next cursor position. | ||||||||
textIterForwardCursorPositions :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Move TextIter forwards by n cursor positions.
| ||||||||
textIterBackwardCursorPositions :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Move TextIter backwards by n cursor positions.
| ||||||||
textIterForwardSentenceEnds :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Move TextIter forwards by n sentence ends.
| ||||||||
textIterBackwardSentenceStarts :: TextIter -> Int -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Move TextIter backwards by n sentence beginnings.
| ||||||||
textIterForwardSentenceEnd :: TextIter -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Move TextIter forwards to the next sentence end.
| ||||||||
textIterBackwardSentenceStart :: TextIter -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Move TextIter backwards to the next sentence beginning.
| ||||||||
textIterSetOffset :: TextIter -> Int -> IO () | ||||||||
Set TextIter to an offset within the buffer. | ||||||||
textIterSetLine :: TextIter -> Int -> IO () | ||||||||
Set TextIter to a line within the buffer. | ||||||||
textIterSetLineOffset :: TextIter -> Int -> IO () | ||||||||
Set TextIter to an offset within the line. | ||||||||
textIterSetVisibleLineOffset :: TextIter -> Int -> IO () | ||||||||
Set TextIter to an visible character within the line. | ||||||||
textIterForwardToEnd :: TextIter -> IO () | ||||||||
Moves TextIter to the end of the buffer. | ||||||||
textIterForwardToLineEnd :: TextIter -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Moves TextIter to the end of the line.
| ||||||||
textIterForwardToTagToggle :: TextIter -> Maybe TextTag -> IO Bool | ||||||||
textIterBackwardToTagToggle :: TextIter -> Maybe TextTag -> IO Bool | ||||||||
textIterForwardFindChar :: TextIter -> (Char -> Bool) -> Maybe TextIter -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Move TextIter forward until a predicate function returns True.
| ||||||||
textIterBackwardFindChar :: TextIter -> (Char -> Bool) -> Maybe TextIter -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Move TextIter backward until a predicate function returns True.
| ||||||||
textIterForwardSearch :: TextIter -> String -> [TextSearchFlags] -> Maybe TextIter -> IO (Maybe (TextIter, TextIter)) | ||||||||
Search forward for a specific string.
| ||||||||
textIterBackwardSearch :: TextIter -> String -> [TextSearchFlags] -> Maybe TextIter -> IO (Maybe (TextIter, TextIter)) | ||||||||
Search backward for a specific string.
| ||||||||
textIterEqual :: TextIter -> TextIter -> IO Bool | ||||||||
Compare two TextIter for equality.
| ||||||||
textIterCompare :: TextIter -> TextIter -> IO Ordering | ||||||||
Compare two TextIter.
| ||||||||
Attributes | ||||||||
textIterVisibleLineOffset :: Attr TextIter Int | ||||||||
'visibleLineOffset' property. See textIterGetVisibleLineOffset and textIterSetVisibleLineOffset | ||||||||
textIterOffset :: Attr TextIter Int | ||||||||
'offset' property. See textIterGetOffset and textIterSetOffset | ||||||||
textIterLineOffset :: Attr TextIter Int | ||||||||
'lineOffset' property. See textIterGetLineOffset and textIterSetLineOffset | ||||||||
textIterLine :: Attr TextIter Int | ||||||||
'line' property. See textIterGetLine and textIterSetLine | ||||||||
Produced by Haddock version 0.7 |