Portabilityportable (depends on GHC)
Class Hierarchy

A text entry field with a dropdown list

  • Warning: this module is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.
data Combo
class HBoxClass o => ComboClass o
castToCombo :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Combo
comboNew :: IO Combo
comboSetPopdownStrings :: ComboClass self => self -> [String] -> IO ()
comboSetValueInList :: ComboClass self => self -> Bool -> Bool -> IO ()
comboSetUseArrows :: ComboClass self => self -> Bool -> IO ()
comboSetUseArrowsAlways :: ComboClass self => self -> Bool -> IO ()
comboSetCaseSensitive :: ComboClass self => self -> Bool -> IO ()
comboDisableActivate :: ComboClass self => self -> IO ()
comboEnableArrowKeys :: ComboClass self => Attr self Bool
comboEnableArrowsAlways :: ComboClass self => Attr self Bool
comboCaseSensitive :: ComboClass self => Attr self Bool
comboAllowEmpty :: ComboClass self => Attr self Bool
comboValueInList :: ComboClass self => Attr self Bool

The Combo widget consists of a single-line text entry field and a drop-down list. The drop-down list is displayed when the user clicks on a small arrow button to the right of the entry field.

List elements can contain arbitrary widgets, but if an element is not a plain label, then you must use the listSetItemString function. This sets the string which will be placed in the text entry field when the item is selected.

By default, the user can step through the items in the list using the arrow (cursor) keys, though this behaviour can be turned off with comboSetUseArrows.

As of Gtk+ 2.4, Combo has been deprecated in favor of ComboBox.

Class Hierarchy
 |  GObject
 |   +----Object
 |         +----Widget
 |               +----Container
 |                     +----Box
 |                           +----HBox
 |                                 +----Combo
data Combo
show/hide Instances
class HBoxClass o => ComboClass o
show/hide Instances
castToCombo :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> Combo
comboNew :: IO Combo
comboSetPopdownStrings :: ComboClass self => self -> [String] -> IO ()
Insert a set of Strings into the Combo drop down list.
:: ComboClass self
=> self
-> Boolval - True if the value entered must match one of the values in the list.
-> BoolokIfEmpty - True if an empty value is considered valid.
-> IO ()

Specifies whether the value entered in the text entry field must match one of the values in the list. If this is set then the user will not be able to perform any other action until a valid value has been entered.

If an empty field is acceptable, the okIfEmpty parameter should be True.

comboSetUseArrows :: ComboClass self => self -> Bool -> IO ()
Specifies if the arrow (cursor) keys can be used to step through the items in the list. This is on by default.
comboSetUseArrowsAlways :: ComboClass self => self -> Bool -> IO ()
Obsolete function, does nothing.
comboSetCaseSensitive :: ComboClass self => self -> Bool -> IO ()

Specifies whether the text entered into the Entry field and the text in the list items is case sensitive.

This may be useful, for example, when you have called comboSetValueInList to limit the values entered, but you are not worried about differences in case.

comboDisableActivate :: ComboClass self => self -> IO ()
Stops the Combo widget from showing the popup list when the Entry emits the "activate" signal, i.e. when the Return key is pressed. This may be useful if, for example, you want the Return key to close a dialog instead.
comboEnableArrowKeys :: ComboClass self => Attr self Bool

Whether the arrow keys move through the list of items.

Default value: True

comboEnableArrowsAlways :: ComboClass self => Attr self Bool

Obsolete property, ignored.

Default value: True

comboCaseSensitive :: ComboClass self => Attr self Bool

Whether list item matching is case sensitive.

Default value: False

comboAllowEmpty :: ComboClass self => Attr self Bool

Whether an empty value may be entered in this field.

Default value: True

comboValueInList :: ComboClass self => Attr self Bool

Whether entered values must already be present in the list.

Default value: False

Produced by Haddock version 0.7