| |||||||
| |||||||
Description | |||||||
This widget constitutes the main widget for displaying lists and other structured data.
| |||||||
Synopsis | |||||||
Documentation | |||||||
data TreeView | |||||||
| |||||||
class ContainerClass o => TreeViewClass o | |||||||
| |||||||
castToTreeView :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> TreeView | |||||||
treeViewNew :: IO TreeView | |||||||
Make a new TreeView widget. | |||||||
treeViewNewWithModel :: TreeModelClass tm => tm -> IO TreeView | |||||||
Create a new TreeView widget with tm as the storage model. | |||||||
treeViewGetModel :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> IO (Maybe TreeModel) | |||||||
Retrieve the TreeModel that supplies the data for this TreeView. Returns Nothing if no model is currently set. | |||||||
treeViewSetModel :: (TreeViewClass tv, TreeModelClass tm) => tv -> tm -> IO () | |||||||
Set the TreeModel for the current View. | |||||||
treeViewGetSelection :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> IO TreeSelection | |||||||
Retrieve a TreeSelection that holds the current selected nodes of the View. | |||||||
treeViewGetHadjustment :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> IO (Maybe Adjustment) | |||||||
Get the Adjustment that represents the horizontal aspect. | |||||||
treeViewSetHadjustment :: TreeViewClass tv => Maybe Adjustment -> tv -> IO () | |||||||
Set the Adjustment that controls the horizontal aspect. If adj is Nothing then set no Adjustment widget. | |||||||
treeViewGetVadjustment :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> IO (Maybe Adjustment) | |||||||
Get the Adjustment that represents the vertical aspect. | |||||||
treeViewSetVadjustment :: TreeViewClass tv => Maybe Adjustment -> tv -> IO () | |||||||
Set the Adjustment that controls the vertical aspect. If adj is Nothing then set no Adjustment widget. | |||||||
treeViewGetHeadersVisible :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> IO Bool | |||||||
Query if the column headers are visible. | |||||||
treeViewSetHeadersVisible :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> Bool -> IO () | |||||||
Set the visibility state of the column headers. | |||||||
treeViewColumnsAutosize :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> IO () | |||||||
Resize the columns to their optimal size. | |||||||
treeViewSetHeadersClickable :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> Bool -> IO () | |||||||
Set wether the columns headers are sensitive to mouse clicks. | |||||||
treeViewGetRulesHint :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> IO Bool | |||||||
Give visual aid for wide columns.
| |||||||
treeViewSetRulesHint :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> Bool -> IO () | |||||||
Query if visual aid for wide columns is turned on. | |||||||
treeViewAppendColumn :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> TreeViewColumn -> IO Int | |||||||
Append a new column to the TreeView. Returns the new number of columns. | |||||||
treeViewRemoveColumn :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> TreeViewColumn -> IO Int | |||||||
Remove column tvc from the TreeView widget. The number of remaining columns is returned. | |||||||
treeViewInsertColumn :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> TreeViewColumn -> Int -> IO Int | |||||||
Inserts column tvc into the TreeView widget at the position pos. Returns the number of columns after insertion. Specify -1 for pos to insert the column at the end. | |||||||
treeViewInsertColumnWithAttributes :: (TreeViewClass tv, CellRendererClass cr) => tv -> Int -> String -> cr -> [(String, Int)] -> IO () | |||||||
Insert new TreeViewColumn.
| |||||||
treeViewGetColumn :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> Int -> IO (Maybe TreeViewColumn) | |||||||
Retrieve a TreeViewColumn.
| |||||||
treeViewGetColumns :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> IO [TreeViewColumn] | |||||||
Return all TreeViewColumns in this TreeView. | |||||||
treeViewMoveColumnAfter :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> TreeViewColumn -> TreeViewColumn -> IO () | |||||||
Move a specific column.
| |||||||
treeViewMoveColumnFirst :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> TreeViewColumn -> IO () | |||||||
Move a specific column.
| |||||||
treeViewSetExpanderColumn :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> Maybe TreeViewColumn -> IO () | |||||||
Set location of hierarchy controls.
| |||||||
treeViewGetExpanderColumn :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> IO TreeViewColumn | |||||||
Get location of hierarchy controls.
| |||||||
treeViewSetColumnDragFunction :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> Maybe (TreeViewColumn -> Maybe TreeViewColumn -> Maybe TreeViewColumn -> IO Bool) -> IO () | |||||||
Specify where a column may be dropped.
| |||||||
treeViewScrollToPoint :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> Int -> Int -> IO () | |||||||
treeViewScrollToCell :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> TreePath -> TreeViewColumn -> Maybe (Float, Float) -> IO () | |||||||
Scroll to a cell.
| |||||||
treeViewSetCursor :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> TreePath -> Maybe (TreeViewColumn, Bool) -> IO () | |||||||
Selects a specific row.
| |||||||
treeViewSetCursorOnCell :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> TreePath -> TreeViewColumn -> CellRenderer -> Bool -> IO () | |||||||
Selects a cell in a specific row.
| |||||||
treeViewGetCursor :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> IO (Maybe TreePath, Maybe TreeViewColumn) | |||||||
Retrieves the position of the focus.
| |||||||
treeViewRowActivated :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> TreePath -> TreeViewColumn -> IO () | |||||||
Emit the activated signal on a cell. | |||||||
treeViewExpandAll :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> IO () | |||||||
Expand all nodes in the TreeView. | |||||||
treeViewCollapseAll :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> IO () | |||||||
Collapse all nodes in the TreeView. | |||||||
treeViewExpandToPath :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> TreePath -> IO () | |||||||
Make a certain path visible.
| |||||||
treeViewExpandRow :: TreeViewClass tv => TreePath -> Bool -> tv -> IO Bool | |||||||
Expand a row.
| |||||||
treeViewCollapseRow :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> TreePath -> IO Bool | |||||||
Collapse a row. Returns True if the row existed. | |||||||
treeViewMapExpandedRows :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> (TreePath -> IO ()) -> IO () | |||||||
Call function for every expaned row. | |||||||
treeViewRowExpanded :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> TreePath -> IO Bool | |||||||
Check if row is expanded. | |||||||
treeViewGetReorderable :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> IO Bool | |||||||
Query if rows can be moved around. | |||||||
treeViewSetReorderable :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> Bool -> IO () | |||||||
Check if rows can be moved around.
| |||||||
type Point = (Int, Int) | |||||||
Represents the x and y coordinate of a point. | |||||||
treeViewGetPathAtPos :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> Point -> IO (Maybe (TreePath, TreeViewColumn, Point)) | |||||||
Map a pixel to the specific cell.
| |||||||
treeViewGetCellArea :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> Maybe TreePath -> TreeViewColumn -> IO Rectangle | |||||||
Retrieve the smallest bounding box of a cell.
| |||||||
treeViewGetBackgroundArea :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> Maybe TreePath -> TreeViewColumn -> IO Rectangle | |||||||
Retrieve the largest bounding box of a cell.
| |||||||
treeViewGetVisibleRect :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> IO Rectangle | |||||||
Retrieve the currently visible area.
| |||||||
treeViewWidgetToTreeCoords :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> Point -> IO Point | |||||||
Convert widget to tree pixel coordinates.
| |||||||
treeViewTreeToWidgetCoords :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> Point -> IO Point | |||||||
Convert tree to widget pixel coordinates.
| |||||||
treeViewCreateRowDragIcon :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> TreePath -> IO Pixmap | |||||||
Creates a Pixmap representation of the row at the given path. This image can be used for a drag icon. | |||||||
treeViewGetEnableSearch :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> IO Bool | |||||||
Set if user can search entries.
| |||||||
treeViewSetEnableSearch :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> Bool -> IO () | |||||||
Check if user can search entries. | |||||||
treeViewGetSearchColumn :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> IO Int | |||||||
Gets the column searched on by the interactive search. | |||||||
treeViewSetSearchColumn :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> Int -> IO () | |||||||
Set the column searched on by by the interactive search.
| |||||||
treeViewSetSearchEqualFunc :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> (Int -> String -> TreeIter -> IO Bool) -> IO () | |||||||
Set the predicate to test for equality.
| |||||||
onColumnsChanged :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId tv) | |||||||
The user has dragged a column to another position. | |||||||
afterColumnsChanged :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId tv) | |||||||
onCursorChanged :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId tv) | |||||||
The cursor in the tree has moved. | |||||||
afterCursorChanged :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId tv) | |||||||
onRowActivated :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> (TreePath -> TreeViewColumn -> IO ()) -> IO (ConnectId tv) | |||||||
A row was activated.
| |||||||
afterRowActivated :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> (TreePath -> TreeViewColumn -> IO ()) -> IO (ConnectId tv) | |||||||
onRowCollapsed :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> (TreeIter -> TreePath -> IO ()) -> IO (ConnectId tv) | |||||||
Children of this node were hidden. | |||||||
afterRowCollapsed :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> (TreeIter -> TreePath -> IO ()) -> IO (ConnectId tv) | |||||||
onRowExpanded :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> (TreeIter -> TreePath -> IO ()) -> IO (ConnectId tv) | |||||||
Children of this node are made visible. | |||||||
afterRowExpanded :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> (TreeIter -> TreePath -> IO ()) -> IO (ConnectId tv) | |||||||
onStartInteractiveSearch :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId tv) | |||||||
The user wants to search interactively.
| |||||||
afterStartInteractiveSearch :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId tv) | |||||||
onTestCollapseRow :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> (TreeIter -> TreePath -> IO Bool) -> IO (ConnectId tv) | |||||||
Determine if this row should be collapsed.
| |||||||
afterTestCollapseRow :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> (TreeIter -> TreePath -> IO Bool) -> IO (ConnectId tv) | |||||||
onTestExpandRow :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> (TreeIter -> TreePath -> IO Bool) -> IO (ConnectId tv) | |||||||
Determine if this row should be expanded.
| |||||||
afterTestExpandRow :: TreeViewClass tv => tv -> (TreeIter -> TreePath -> IO Bool) -> IO (ConnectId tv) | |||||||
Produced by Haddock version 0.6 |