This file reflects the Gtk object hierarchy in terms of Haskell classes.
newtype SourceBuffer = SourceBuffer (ForeignPtr SourceBuffer)
class TextBufferClass o => SourceBufferClass o
toSourceBuffer :: SourceBufferClass o => o -> SourceBuffer
fromSourceBuffer :: SourceBufferClass o => SourceBuffer -> o
castToSourceBuffer :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> SourceBuffer
newtype SourceTag = SourceTag (ForeignPtr SourceTag)
class TextTagClass o => SourceTagClass o
toSourceTag :: SourceTagClass o => o -> SourceTag
fromSourceTag :: SourceTagClass o => SourceTag -> o
castToSourceTag :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> SourceTag
newtype SourceTagTable = SourceTagTable (ForeignPtr SourceTagTable)
class TextTagTableClass o => SourceTagTableClass o
toSourceTagTable :: SourceTagTableClass o => o -> SourceTagTable
fromSourceTagTable :: SourceTagTableClass o => SourceTagTable -> o
castToSourceTagTable :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> SourceTagTable
newtype SourceMarker = SourceMarker (ForeignPtr SourceMarker)
class TextMarkClass o => SourceMarkerClass o
toSourceMarker :: SourceMarkerClass o => o -> SourceMarker
fromSourceMarker :: SourceMarkerClass o => SourceMarker -> o
castToSourceMarker :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> SourceMarker
newtype SourceView = SourceView (ForeignPtr SourceView)
class TextViewClass o => SourceViewClass o
toSourceView :: SourceViewClass o => o -> SourceView
fromSourceView :: SourceViewClass o => SourceView -> o
castToSourceView :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> SourceView
newtype SourceLanguage = SourceLanguage (ForeignPtr SourceLanguage)
class GObjectClass o => SourceLanguageClass o
toSourceLanguage :: SourceLanguageClass o => o -> SourceLanguage
fromSourceLanguage :: SourceLanguageClass o => SourceLanguage -> o
castToSourceLanguage :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> SourceLanguage
newtype SourceLanguagesManager = SourceLanguagesManager (ForeignPtr SourceLanguagesManager)
class GObjectClass o => SourceLanguagesManagerClass o
toSourceLanguagesManager :: SourceLanguagesManagerClass o => o -> SourceLanguagesManager
fromSourceLanguagesManager :: SourceLanguagesManagerClass o => SourceLanguagesManager -> o
castToSourceLanguagesManager :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> SourceLanguagesManager
newtype SourceStyleScheme = SourceStyleScheme (ForeignPtr SourceStyleScheme)
class GObjectClass o => SourceStyleSchemeClass o
toSourceStyleScheme :: SourceStyleSchemeClass o => o -> SourceStyleScheme
fromSourceStyleScheme :: SourceStyleSchemeClass o => SourceStyleScheme -> o
castToSourceStyleScheme :: GObjectClass obj => obj -> SourceStyleScheme
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