  • tree_view_column_new_with_attributes and tree_view_column_set_attributes are variadic and the funcitonality can be achieved through other functions.
  • tree_view_column_set_cell_data and tree_view_column_cell_get_size are not bound because I am not sure what they do and when they are useful


  • treeViewColumnSetCellData is not bound. With this function the user has control over how data in the store is mapped to the attributes of a cell renderer. This functin should be bound in the future to allow the user to insert Haskell data types into the store and convert these values to attributes of cell renderers.
treeViewColumnNew :: IO TreeViewColumn
treeViewColumnNewWithAttributes :: CellRendererClass cr => String -> cr -> [(String, Int)] -> IO TreeViewColumn
treeViewColumnPackStart :: (TreeViewColumnClass tvc, CellRendererClass cr) => tvc -> cr -> Bool -> IO ()
treeViewColumnPackEnd :: (TreeViewColumnClass tvc, CellRendererClass cr) => tvc -> cr -> Bool -> IO ()
treeViewColumnClear :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO ()
treeViewColumnGetCellRenderers :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO [CellRenderer]
treeViewColumnAddAttribute :: (TreeViewColumnClass tvc, CellRendererClass cr) => tvc -> cr -> String -> Int -> IO ()
treeViewColumnAddAttributes :: (TreeViewColumnClass tvc, CellRendererClass cr) => tvc -> cr -> [(String, Int)] -> IO ()
treeViewColumnSetAttributes :: (TreeViewColumnClass tvc, CellRendererClass cr) => tvc -> cr -> [(String, Int)] -> IO ()
treeViewColumnClearAttributes :: (TreeViewColumnClass tvc, CellRendererClass cr) => tvc -> cr -> IO ()
treeViewColumnSetSpacing :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> Int -> IO ()
treeViewColumnGetSpacing :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO Int
treeViewColumnSetVisible :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> Bool -> IO ()
treeViewColumnGetVisible :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO Bool
treeViewColumnSetResizable :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> Bool -> IO ()
treeViewColumnGetResizable :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO Bool
data TreeViewColumnSizing
= TreeViewColumnGrowOnly
| TreeViewColumnAutosize
| TreeViewColumnFixed
treeViewColumnSetSizing :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> TreeViewColumnSizing -> IO ()
treeViewColumnGetSizing :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO TreeViewColumnSizing
treeViewColumnGetWidth :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO Int
treeViewColumnSetFixedWidth :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> Int -> IO ()
treeViewColumnGetFixedWidth :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO Int
treeViewColumnSetMinWidth :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> Int -> IO ()
treeViewColumnGetMinWidth :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO Int
treeViewColumnSetMaxWidth :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> Int -> IO ()
treeViewColumnGetMaxWidth :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO Int
treeViewColumnClicked :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO ()
treeViewColumnSetTitle :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> String -> IO ()
treeViewColumnGetTitle :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO (Maybe String)
treeViewColumnSetClickable :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> Bool -> IO ()
treeViewColumnGetClickable :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO Bool
treeViewColumnSetWidget :: (TreeViewColumnClass tvc, WidgetClass w) => tvc -> w -> IO ()
treeViewColumnGetWidget :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO Widget
treeViewColumnSetAlignment :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> Float -> IO ()
treeViewColumnGetAlignment :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO Float
treeViewColumnSetReorderable :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> Bool -> IO ()
treeViewColumnGetReorderable :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO Bool
treeViewColumnSetSortColumnId :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> Int -> IO ()
treeViewColumnGetSortColumnId :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO Int
treeViewColumnSetSortIndicator :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> Bool -> IO ()
treeViewColumnGetSortIndicator :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO Bool
treeViewColumnSetSortOrder :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> SortType -> IO ()
treeViewColumnGetSortOrder :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO SortType
data SortType
= SortAscending
| SortDescending
onColClicked :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId tvc)
afterColClicked :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId tvc)
treeViewColumnNew :: IO TreeViewColumn
Generate a new TreeViewColumn widget.
treeViewColumnNewWithAttributes :: CellRendererClass cr => String -> cr -> [(String, Int)] -> IO TreeViewColumn
Returns a new TreeViewColumn with title title, cell renderer cr, and attributes attribs.
treeViewColumnPackStart :: (TreeViewColumnClass tvc, CellRendererClass cr) => tvc -> cr -> Bool -> IO ()

Add a cell renderer at the beginning of a column.

  • Excess space is divided equally among all renderers which have expand set to True.
treeViewColumnPackEnd :: (TreeViewColumnClass tvc, CellRendererClass cr) => tvc -> cr -> Bool -> IO ()

Add a cell renderer at the end of a column.

  • Excess space is divided equally among all renderers which have expand set to True.
treeViewColumnClear :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO ()
Remove the associations of attributes to a store for all CellRenderers.
treeViewColumnGetCellRenderers :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO [CellRenderer]
Retrieve all CellRenderers that are contained in this column.
treeViewColumnAddAttribute :: (TreeViewColumnClass tvc, CellRendererClass cr) => tvc -> cr -> String -> Int -> IO ()

Insert an attribute to change the behaviour of the column's cell renderer.

  • The CellRenderer cr must already be in TreeViewColumn.
treeViewColumnAddAttributes :: (TreeViewColumnClass tvc, CellRendererClass cr) => tvc -> cr -> [(String, Int)] -> IO ()
Insert attributes attribs to change the behaviour of column tvc's cell renderer cr.
treeViewColumnSetAttributes :: (TreeViewColumnClass tvc, CellRendererClass cr) => tvc -> cr -> [(String, Int)] -> IO ()
Set the attributes of the cell renderer cr in the tree column tvc be attribs. The attributes are given as a list of attribute/column pairs. All existing attributes are removed, and replaced with the new attributes.
treeViewColumnClearAttributes :: (TreeViewColumnClass tvc, CellRendererClass cr) => tvc -> cr -> IO ()
Clears all existing attributes of the column tvc.
treeViewColumnSetSpacing :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> Int -> IO ()
Set the number of pixels between two cell renderers.
treeViewColumnGetSpacing :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO Int
Get the number of pixels between two cell renderers.
treeViewColumnSetVisible :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> Bool -> IO ()
Set the visibility of a given column.
treeViewColumnGetVisible :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO Bool
Get the visibility of a given column.
treeViewColumnSetResizable :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> Bool -> IO ()
Set if a given column is resizable by the user.
treeViewColumnGetResizable :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO Bool
Get if a given column is resizable by the user.
data TreeViewColumnSizing
Wether columns of a tree or list widget can be resized.
Enum TreeViewColumnSizing
treeViewColumnSetSizing :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> TreeViewColumnSizing -> IO ()
Set wether the column can be resized.
treeViewColumnGetSizing :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO TreeViewColumnSizing
Return the resizing type of the column.
treeViewColumnGetWidth :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO Int
Query the current width of the column.
treeViewColumnSetFixedWidth :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> Int -> IO ()

Set the width of the column.

treeViewColumnGetFixedWidth :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO Int

Gets the fixed width of the column.

  • This is meaningful only if the sizing type is TreeViewColumnFixed.
  • This value is only meaning may not be the actual width of the column on the screen, just what is requested.
treeViewColumnSetMinWidth :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> Int -> IO ()
Set minimum width of the column.
treeViewColumnGetMinWidth :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO Int
Get the minimum width of a column. Returns -1 if this width was not set.
treeViewColumnSetMaxWidth :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> Int -> IO ()
Set maximum width of the column.
treeViewColumnGetMaxWidth :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO Int
Get the maximum width of a column. Returns -1 if this width was not set.
treeViewColumnClicked :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO ()
Emit the clicked signal on the column.
treeViewColumnSetTitle :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> String -> IO ()
Set the widget's title if a custom widget has not been set.
treeViewColumnGetTitle :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO (Maybe String)
Get the widget's title.
treeViewColumnSetClickable :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> Bool -> IO ()
Set if the column should be sensitive to mouse clicks.
treeViewColumnGetClickable :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO Bool
Returns True if the user can click on the header for the column.
treeViewColumnSetWidget :: (TreeViewColumnClass tvc, WidgetClass w) => tvc -> w -> IO ()
Set the column's title to this widget.
treeViewColumnGetWidget :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO Widget
Retrieve the widget responsible for showing the column title. In case only a text title was set this will be a Alignment widget with a Label inside.
treeViewColumnSetAlignment :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> Float -> IO ()
Set the alignment of the title.
treeViewColumnGetAlignment :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO Float
Get the alignment of the titlte.
treeViewColumnSetReorderable :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> Bool -> IO ()
Set if a given column is reorderable by the user.
treeViewColumnGetReorderable :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO Bool
Get if a given column is reorderable by the user.
treeViewColumnSetSortColumnId :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> Int -> IO ()

Set the column by which to sort.

  • Sets the logical columnId that this column sorts on when this column is selected for sorting. The selected column's header will be clickable after this call. Logical refers to the column in the TreeModel.
treeViewColumnGetSortColumnId :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO Int

Get the column by which to sort.

  • Retrieves the logical columnId that the model sorts on when this column is selected for sorting.
  • Returns -1 if this column can't be used for sorting.
treeViewColumnSetSortIndicator :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> Bool -> IO ()
Set if a given column has sorting arrows in its heading.
treeViewColumnGetSortIndicator :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO Bool
Query if a given column has sorting arrows in its heading.
treeViewColumnSetSortOrder :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> SortType -> IO ()

Set if a given column is sorted in ascending or descending order.

treeViewColumnGetSortOrder :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO SortType
Query if a given column is sorted in ascending or descending order.
data SortType
Enum SortType
onColClicked :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId tvc)
Emitted when the header of this column has been clicked on.
afterColClicked :: TreeViewColumnClass tvc => tvc -> IO () -> IO (ConnectId tvc)
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