Description |
The database for simple (non-hierarchical) tables.
Synopsis |
Documentation |
data TMType |
Constructors | TMinvalid | | TMuint | | TMint | | TMuchar | | TMchar | | TMboolean | | TMenum | | TMflags | | TMpointer | | TMfloat | | TMdouble | | TMstring | | TMobject | | TMboxed | |
| Instances | |
data GenericValue |
A union with information about the currently
stored type.
- Internally used by TreeStore.
| Constructors | GVuint CUInt | | GVint CInt | | GVuchar CUChar | | GVchar CChar | | GVboolean Bool | | GVenum Int | | GVflags Int | | GVpointer (Ptr ()) | | GVfloat Float | | GVdouble Double | | GVstring (Maybe String) | | GVobject GObject | | GVboxed (Ptr ()) | |
| Instances | |
listStoreNew :: [TMType] -> IO ListStore |
Generate a new entity to store tree information.
listStoreSetValue :: ListStoreClass ts => ts -> TreeIter -> Int -> GenericValue -> IO () |
Set the data of a specific node.
- The supplied value must match the type that was set for the column.
listStoreRemove :: ListStoreClass ts => ts -> TreeIter -> IO Bool |
Remove a specific node.
- The TreeIter will point to the entry following the one which
was just removed. The function returns False if the
tiTreeIter does not point to a valid element (i.e. the
function just removed the bottom entry from the list).
- This function returned () in Gtk version 2.0.X
listStoreInsert :: ListStoreClass ts => ts -> Int -> IO TreeIter |
Insert a new row into the list.
- The pos parameter
determines the row number where the row should be inserted. Set this to
-1 to insert at the end of the list.
listStoreInsertBefore :: ListStoreClass ts => ts -> TreeIter -> IO TreeIter |
Insert a row in front of the
sibling node.
listStoreInsertAfter :: ListStoreClass ts => ts -> TreeIter -> IO TreeIter |
Insert a row behind the sibling
listStorePrepend :: ListStoreClass ts => ts -> IO TreeIter |
Insert a row in front of every other row.
listStoreAppend :: ListStoreClass ts => ts -> IO TreeIter |
Insert a row at the end of the table .
listStoreClear :: ListStoreClass ts => ts -> IO () |
Clear all rows in this table.
listStoreReorder :: ListStoreClass ts => ts -> [Int] -> IO () |
Reorders store to follow the order indicated by the mapping. The list
argument should be a mapping from the new positions to the old
positions. That is newOrder !! newPos = oldPos
- Note that this function only works with unsorted stores.
- You must make sure the mapping is the right size for the store, use
treeModelIterNChildren store Nothing to check.
listStoreSwap :: ListStoreClass ts => ts -> TreeIter -> TreeIter -> IO () |
Swaps the two items in the store.
- Note that this function only works with unsorted stores.
listStoreMoveBefore |
:: ListStoreClass ts | | => ts | | -> TreeIter | Iter for the item to be moved | -> Maybe TreeIter | Iter for the position or Nothing. | -> IO () | | Moves the item in the store to before the given position. If the position
is Nothing the item will be moved to then end of the list.
- Note that this function only works with unsorted stores.
listStoreMoveAfter |
:: ListStoreClass ts | | => ts | | -> TreeIter | Iter for the item to be moved | -> Maybe TreeIter | Iter for the position or Nothing. | -> IO () | | Moves the item in the store to after the given position. If the position
is Nothing the item will be moved to then start of the list.
- Note that this function only works with unsorted stores.
Produced by Haddock version 0.6 |