Description |
General enumeration types.
Synopsis |
Documentation |
data AccelFlags |
state of an accelerator
| Constructors | AccelVisible | | AccelLocked | | AccelMask | |
| Instances | |
data ArrowType |
arrow directions for the arrow widget
| Constructors | ArrowUp | | ArrowDown | | ArrowLeft | | ArrowRight | |
| Instances | |
data AttachOptions |
child widget attach options for table containers
| Constructors | | Instances | |
data Button |
button number
| Constructors | LeftButton | | MiddleButton | | RightButton | | WheelUp | | WheelDown | | OtherButton | |
| Instances | |
data ButtonBoxStyle |
dictate the style that a ButtonBox uses to align it
| Constructors | ButtonboxDefaultStyle | | ButtonboxSpread | | ButtonboxEdge | | ButtonboxStart | | ButtonboxEnd | |
| Instances | |
data CalendarDisplayOptions |
Specify which items of a calendar should be
| Constructors | CalendarShowHeading | | CalendarShowDayNames | | CalendarNoMonthChange | | CalendarShowWeekNumbers | | CalendarWeekStartMonday | |
| Instances | |
data Click |
type of mouse click
| Constructors | SingleClick | | DoubleClick | | TripleClick | | ReleaseClick | |
data CornerType |
specifies in which corner a child widget should be placed
| Constructors | CornerTopLeft | | CornerBottomLeft | | CornerTopRight | | CornerBottomRight | |
| Instances | |
data CurveType |
specifies how curves in the gamma widget (?) are drawn
| Constructors | CurveTypeLinear | | CurveTypeSpline | | CurveTypeFree | |
| Instances | |
data DeleteType |
editing option
| Constructors | DeleteChars | | DeleteWordEnds | | DeleteWords | | DeleteDisplayLines | | DeleteDisplayLineEnds | | DeleteParagraphEnds | | DeleteParagraphs | | DeleteWhitespace | |
| Instances | |
data DirectionType |
editing direction
| Constructors | DirTabForward | | DirTabBackward | | DirUp | | DirDown | | DirLeft | | DirRight | |
| Instances | |
data Justification |
justification for label and maybe other widgets
| Constructors | JustifyLeft | | JustifyRight | | JustifyCenter | | JustifyFill | |
| Instances | |
data MatchType |
some kind of string search options
| Constructors | MatchAll | | MatchAllTail | | MatchHead | | MatchTail | | MatchExact | | MatchLast | |
| Instances | |
data MenuDirectionType |
From where was a menu item entered?
| Constructors | MenuDirParent | | MenuDirChild | | MenuDirNext | | MenuDirPrev | |
| Instances | |
data MetricType |
units of measure
| Constructors | | Instances | |
data MovementStep |
movement in text widget
| Constructors | MovementLogicalPositions | | MovementVisualPositions | | MovementWords | | MovementDisplayLines | | MovementDisplayLineEnds | | MovementParagraphs | | MovementParagraphEnds | | MovementPages | | MovementBufferEnds | | MovementHorizontalPages | |
| Instances | |
data Orientation |
orientation is good
| Constructors | OrientationHorizontal | | OrientationVertical | |
| Instances | |
data Packing |
packing parameters of a widget
| Constructors | PackRepel | | PackGrow | | PackNatural | |
| Instances | |
data PackType |
data PathPriorityType |
| Constructors | PathPrioLowest | | PathPrioGtk | | PathPrioApplication | | PathPrioTheme | | PathPrioRc | | PathPrioHighest | |
| Instances | |
data PathType |
widget identification path
| Constructors | PathWidget | | PathWidgetClass | | PathClass | |
| Instances | |
data PolicyType |
Scrollbar policy types (for scrolled windows)
| Constructors | PolicyAlways | | PolicyAutomatic | | PolicyNever | |
| Instances | |
data PositionType |
position a scale's value is drawn relative to the
| Constructors | PosLeft | | PosRight | | PosTop | | PosBottom | |
| Instances | |
data ProgressBarOrientation |
Is the ProgressBar horizontally or vertically
| Constructors | ProgressLeftToRight | | ProgressRightToLeft | | ProgressBottomToTop | | ProgressTopToBottom | |
| Instances | |
data ReliefStyle |
I don't have a clue.
| Constructors | ReliefNormal | | ReliefHalf | | ReliefNone | |
| Instances | |
data ResizeMode |
resize mode, for containers
| Constructors | ResizeParent | | ResizeQueue | | ResizeImmediate | |
| Instances | |
data ScrollType |
scrolling type
| Constructors | ScrollNone | | ScrollJump | | ScrollStepBackward | | ScrollStepForward | | ScrollPageBackward | | ScrollPageForward | | ScrollStepUp | | ScrollStepDown | | ScrollPageUp | | ScrollPageDown | | ScrollStepLeft | | ScrollStepRight | | ScrollPageLeft | | ScrollPageRight | | ScrollStart | | ScrollEnd | |
| Instances | |
data SelectionMode |
mode in which selections can be performed
- There is a deprecated entry SelectionExtended which should have the same
value as SelectionMultiple. C2HS chokes on that construct.
| Constructors | SelectionNone | | SelectionSingle | | SelectionBrowse | | SelectionMultiple | |
| Instances | |
data ShadowType |
shadow types
| Constructors | ShadowNone | | ShadowIn | | ShadowOut | | ShadowEtchedIn | | ShadowEtchedOut | |
| Instances | |
data StateType |
widget states
| Constructors | StateNormal | | StateActive | | StatePrelight | | StateSelected | | StateInsensitive | |
| Instances | |
data SubmenuDirection |
Submenu direction policies
| Constructors | DirectionLeft | | DirectionRight | |
| Instances | |
data SubmenuPlacement |
Submenu placement policies
| Constructors | | Instances | |
data SpinButtonUpdatePolicy |
Whether to clamp or ignore illegal values.
| Constructors | UpdateAlways | | UpdateIfValid | |
| Instances | |
data SpinType |
Spin a SpinButton with the following method.
| Constructors | SpinStepForward | | SpinStepBackward | | SpinPageForward | | SpinPageBackward | | SpinHome | | SpinEnd | | SpinUserDefined | |
| Instances | |
data TextDirection |
Is the text written from left to right or the awkward
| Constructors | TextDirNone | | TextDirLtr | | TextDirRtl | |
| Instances | |
data TextSearchFlags |
Specify the way the search function for
TextBuffer works.
| Constructors | TextSearchVisibleOnly | | TextSearchTextOnly | |
| Instances | |
data TextWindowType |
The window type for coordinate translation.
| Constructors | TextWindowPrivate | | TextWindowWidget | | TextWindowText | | TextWindowLeft | | TextWindowRight | | TextWindowTop | | TextWindowBottom | |
| Instances | |
data ToolbarStyle |
Where to place the toolbar?
| Constructors | ToolbarIcons | | ToolbarText | | ToolbarBoth | | ToolbarBothHoriz | |
| Instances | |
data TreeViewColumnSizing |
Wether columns of a tree or list widget can be
| Constructors | TreeViewColumnGrowOnly | | TreeViewColumnAutosize | | TreeViewColumnFixed | |
| Instances | |
data UpdateType |
updating types for range widgets (determines when the
"connectToValueChanged" signal is emitted by the widget)
| Constructors | UpdateContinuous | | UpdateDiscontinuous | | UpdateDelayed | |
| Instances | |
data Visibility |
| Constructors | VisibilityNone | | VisibilityPartial | | VisibilityFull | |
| Instances | |
data WindowPosition |
window position types
| Constructors | WinPosNone | | WinPosCenter | | WinPosMouse | | WinPosCenterAlways | | WinPosCenterOnParent | |
| Instances | |
data WindowType |
interaction of a window with window manager
| Constructors | WindowToplevel | | WindowPopup | |
| Instances | |
data WrapMode |
Determine how lines are wrapped in a TextView.
| Constructors | WrapNone | | WrapChar | | WrapWord | | WrapWordChar | |
| Instances | |
data SortType |
Constructors | SortAscending | | SortDescending | |
| Instances | |
module GdkEnums |
Produced by Haddock version 0.6 |