System.Gnome.VFS.Util | Maintainer | gtk2hs-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Stability : alpha
Portability : portable (depends on GHC) |
Description |
Synopsis |
String Formatting Functions
formatFileSizeForDisplay |
:: FileSize | size - the file size to be formatted
| -> String | the formatted size ready for display
| Formats size so that it is easy for the user to read. Gives the
size in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes, choosing
whatever is appropriate.
formatURIForDisplay |
:: TextURI | textURI - the URI to format
| -> Maybe String | the formatted URI ready for display
| Filter, modify, unescape, and change textURI to make it appropriate
for display to users.
Rules: A file: URI without fragments should appear as a local
path. A file: URI with fragments should appear as file:uri. All
other URIs appear as expected.
External Applications
urlShow |
:: String | url - the URL to launch an application for
| -> IO () | | Launches the default application or component associated with the
given URL.
urlShowWithEnv |
:: String | url - the URL to launch an application for
| -> [String] | env - a list of strings ["VARIABLE1=value1", "VARIABLE2=value2", ...]
| -> IO () | | Like urlShow, but using the specified environment variables.
isExecutableCommandString |
:: String | commandString -
| -> IO Bool | | Checks if commandString starts with the full path of an
executable file or an executable in the system path.
String Escaping Functions
escapeString |
:: String | string - the string to be escaped
| -> String | | Escapes string, replacing any and all special characters with
equivalent escape sequences.
escapePathString |
:: FilePath | path - the path string to be escaped
| -> String | the escaped string
| Escapes path, replacing only special characters that would not be
found in paths (so '/', '&', and '=' will not be escaped by this
escapeHostAndPathString |
:: FilePath | path - the path to be escaped
| -> String | the escaped string
| Escapes path, replacing only special characters that would not be
found in a path or host name (so '/', '&', '=', ':' and '@' will
not be escaped by this function).
escapeSlashes |
:: String | string - the string to be escaped
| -> String | the escaped string
| Escapes only '/' and '%' characters in string, replacing
them with their escape sequence equivalents.
escapeSet |
:: String | string - the string to be escaped
| -> String | matchSet - the characters to escape
| -> String | the escaped string
| Escapes the characters listed in matchSet in string.
unescapeString |
:: String | | -> String | | -> String | the unescaped string
| Decodes escaped characters (i.e., %xx sequences) in
escapedString. Characters are decoded in %xx form, where
xx is the hex code for an ASCII character.
unescapeStringForDisplay :: String -> String |
Similar to unescapeString, but returns something
semi-intelligible to the user, even upon receiving traumatic
input such as 00 or URIs in bad form.
WARNING: You should never use this function on a whole URI! It
unescapes reserved characters, and can result in a mangled URI
that can not be re-entered. For example, it unescapes '#', '&' and
'?', which have special meanings in URI strings.
TextURI and Path Functions
makeURICanonical |
:: TextURI | textURI - an absolute or relative URI; it may have a scheme
| -> Maybe TextURI | the canonical representation of the URI
| Standardizes the format of uri, so that it can be used later
in other functions that expect a canonical URI.
makeURICanonicalStripFragment |
:: TextURI | textURI - the URI to canonicalize
| -> Maybe TextURI | the canonical representation of the URI
| Returns a canonicalized URI. If uri contains a fragment
(anything after a '#'), it is stripped off, and the resulting
URI is made canonical.
makePathNameCanonical |
:: FilePath | pathName - the path name to canonicalize
| -> Maybe TextURI | the canonicalized path name
| Returns a canonicalized path name.
makeURIFromInput |
:: String | location - the input to try to parse
| -> Maybe TextURI | the resulting URI, or Nothing if location is invalid
| Takes a user input path/URI and makes a valid URI out of it.
This function is the reverse of formatURIForDisplay.
makeURIFromInputWithDirs |
:: FilePath | location - the relative or absolute input path to resolve
| -> [MakeURIDirs] | dirs - the directories to search
| -> IO TextURI | the resulting URI
| Determine a fully qualified URI from a relative or absolute input
path. The directories specified by dirs are searched when the
path is relative.
makeURIFromShellArg :: String -> String |
Similar to makeURIFromInput, except:
1. guesses relative paths instead of HTTP domains
2. doesn't bother stripping leading/trailing white space
3. doesn't bother with tilde expansion -- that's done by the shell
expandInitialTilde :: String -> IO String |
If path begins with a tilde, representing the user's home
directory, expand it to the actual directory.
getLocalPathFromURI |
:: TextURI | the URI to convert
| -> Maybe FilePath | the resulting path
| Create a local path for a uri.
If uri is not a file:/// URI, or it contains a fragment
identifier or is chained, this function returns Nothing.
getURIFromLocalPath |
:: FilePath | localFullPath -
| -> TextURI | the resulting URI
| Returns a file:/// URI for the local path localFullPath,
such as a path provided by
fileChooserGetFilename. The
resulting URI may be provided, for instance, to
On Windows localFullPath should be in the UTF-8 encoding, and
can start with a drive letter, but doesn't have to.
iconPathFromFilename |
:: String | filename - a relative or absolute pathname
| -> IO String | the absolute path to the icon file
| Returns the icon path for filename. Example:
iconPathFromFilename "nautilus/nautilus-desktop.png" will
return a string forming the full path of the file
nautilus-desktop.png, i.e.
getVolumeFreeSpace |
:: URI | uri - a URI to a file on a volume
| -> IO FileSize | the free space in bytes on the volume
| Stores the amount of free space in bytes on uri's volume in
| size.
urisMatch |
:: TextURI | uri1 -
| -> TextURI | uri2 -
| -> Bool | True if the URIs are the same, False otherwise.
| Compare two URIs.
getURIScheme |
:: TextURI | uri -
| -> Maybe String | the scheme used in uri, or Nothing if uri does not use a scheme
| Retrieves the scheme used in uri.
Miscellaneous Functions
isPrimaryThread |
:: IO Bool | True if the current thread is the
thread with the main glib event loop,
otherwise False
| Check if the current thread is the thread with the main glib
event loop.
openFD |
:: Fd | filedes - the file descriptor to use
| -> IO Handle | the returned handle
| Convert an open unix file descriptor into a Handle object.
Produced by Haddock version 0.8 |