Graphics.UI.Gtk.Pango.Enums | Portability | portable (depends on GHC) | Stability | provisional | Maintainer | gtk2hs-users@lists.sourceforge.net |
Description |
Enumerations for describing font characteristics.
Synopsis |
Documentation |
data FontStyle |
The style of a font.
| Constructors | StyleNormal | | StyleOblique | | StyleItalic | |
| Instances | |
data Size |
Define attributes for FontSize.
| Constructors | SizePoint Double | | SizeUnreadable | | SizeTiny | | SizeSmall | | SizeMedium | | SizeLarge | | SizeHuge | | SizeGiant | | SizeSmaller | | SizeLarger | |
| Instances | |
data Weight |
Define attributes for Weight.
| Constructors | WeightUltralight | | WeightLight | | WeightNormal | | WeightSemibold | | WeightBold | | WeightUltrabold | | WeightHeavy | |
| Instances | |
data Variant |
The variant of a font.
- The VariantSmallCaps is a version of a font where lower case
letters are shown as physically smaller upper case letters.
| Constructors | VariantNormal | | VariantSmallCaps | |
| Instances | |
data Stretch |
Define how wide characters are.
| Constructors | StretchUltraCondensed | | StretchExtraCondensed | | StretchCondensed | | StretchSemiCondensed | | StretchNormal | | StretchSemiExpanded | | StretchExpanded | | StretchExtraExpanded | | StretchUltraExpanded | |
| Instances | |
data Underline |
Define attributes for Underline.
- The squiggly underline for errors is only available in Gtk 2.4 and higher.
| Constructors | UnderlineNone | | UnderlineSingle | | UnderlineDouble | | UnderlineLow | | UnderlineError | |
| Instances | |
data PangoDirection |
The PangoDirection type represents a direction in the Unicode
bidirectional algorithm.
- The "weak" values denote a left-to-right or right-to-left direction
only if there is no character with a strong direction in a paragraph.
An example is a sequence of special, graphical characters which are
neutral with respect to their rendering direction. A fresh
PangoContext is by default weakly
- Not every value in this enumeration makes sense for every usage
of PangoDirection; for example, the return value of
unicharDirection and findBaseDir cannot be PangoDirectionWeakLtr
or PangoDirectionWeakRtl, since every character is either neutral or
has a strong direction; on the other hand PangoDirectionNeutral
doesn't make sense to pass to log2visGetEmbeddingLevels.
| Constructors | PangoDirectionLtr | | PangoDirectionRtl | | PangoDirectionWeakLtr | | PangoDirectionWeakRtl | | PangoDirectionNeutral | |
| Instances | |
data EllipsizeMode |
The EllipsizeMode type describes what sort of (if any) ellipsization
should be applied to a line of text. In the ellipsization process characters
are removed from the text in order to make it fit to a given width and
replaced with an ellipsis.
| Constructors | EllipsizeNone | | EllipsizeStart | | EllipsizeMiddle | | EllipsizeEnd | |
| Instances | |
data PangoGravity |
The PangoGravity type represents the orientation of glyphs in a
segment of text. The value GravitySouth, for instance, indicates that the
text stands upright, i.e. that the base of the letter is directed
This is useful when rendering vertical text layouts. In those situations,
the layout is rotated using a non-identity PangoMatrix, and then glyph
orientation is controlled using PangoGravity. Not every value in this
enumeration makes sense for every usage of Gravity; for example,
PangoGravityAuto only can be passed to pangoContextSetBaseGravity and
can only be returned by pangoContextGetBaseGravity.
- See also: PangoGravityHint
- Gravity is resolved from the context matrix.
- Since Pango 1.16
| Constructors | PangoGravitySouth | | PangoGravityEast | | PangoGravityNorth | | PangoGravityWest | | PangoGravityAuto | |
| Instances | |
data PangoGravityHint |
The PangoGravityHint defines how horizontal scripts should behave in a
vertical context.
- PangoGravityHintNatural: scripts will take their natural gravity based
on the base gravity and the script. This is the default.
- PangoGravityHintStrong: always use the base gravity set, regardless of
the script.
- PangoGravityHintLine: for scripts not in their natural direction (eg.
Latin in East gravity), choose per-script gravity such that every script
respects the line progression. This means, Latin and Arabic will take
opposite gravities and both flow top-to-bottom for example.
| Constructors | PangoGravityHintNatural | | PangoGravityHintStrong | | PangoGravityHintLine | |
| Instances | |
Produced by Haddock version 0.8 |