Right associative
Left associative

General purpose finite sequences. Apart from being finite and having strict operations, sequences also differ from lists in supporting a wider variety of operations efficiently.

An amortized running time is given for each operation, with n referring to the length of the sequence and i being the integral index used by some operations. These bounds hold even in a persistent (shared) setting.

The implementation uses 2-3 finger trees annotated with sizes, as described in section 4.2 of

data Seq a
empty :: Seq a
singleton :: a -> Seq a
(<|) :: a -> Seq a -> Seq a
(|>) :: Seq a -> a -> Seq a
(><) :: Seq a -> Seq a -> Seq a
null :: Seq a -> Bool
data ViewL a
= EmptyL
| (:<) a (Seq a)
viewl :: Seq a -> ViewL a
data ViewR a
= EmptyR
| (:>) (Seq a) a
viewr :: Seq a -> ViewR a
length :: Seq a -> Int
index :: Seq a -> Int -> a
adjust :: (a -> a) -> Int -> Seq a -> Seq a
update :: Int -> a -> Seq a -> Seq a
take :: Int -> Seq a -> Seq a
drop :: Int -> Seq a -> Seq a
splitAt :: Int -> Seq a -> (Seq a, Seq a)
fromList :: [a] -> Seq a
toList :: Seq a -> [a]
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Seq a -> b
foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Seq a -> a
foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Seq a -> b
foldrM :: Monad m => (a -> b -> m b) -> b -> Seq a -> m b
foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Seq b -> a
foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Seq a -> a
foldl' :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Seq b -> a
foldlM :: Monad m => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> Seq b -> m a
reverse :: Seq a -> Seq a
data Seq a
General-purpose finite sequences.
show/hide Instances
Functor Seq
Eq a => Eq (Seq a)
Ord a => Ord (Seq a)
Show a => Show (Seq a)
empty :: Seq a
O(1). The empty sequence.
singleton :: a -> Seq a
O(1). A singleton sequence.
(<|) :: a -> Seq a -> Seq a
O(1). Add an element to the left end of a sequence. Mnemonic: a triangle with the single element at the pointy end.
(|>) :: Seq a -> a -> Seq a
O(1). Add an element to the right end of a sequence. Mnemonic: a triangle with the single element at the pointy end.
(><) :: Seq a -> Seq a -> Seq a
O(log(min(n1,n2))). Concatenate two sequences.
null :: Seq a -> Bool
O(1). Is this the empty sequence?
data ViewL a
View of the left end of a sequence.
EmptyLempty sequence
(:<) a (Seq a)leftmost element and the rest of the sequence
show/hide Instances
Functor ViewL
(Eq a, ??? a) => Eq (ViewL a)
(Show a, ??? a) => Show (ViewL a)
viewl :: Seq a -> ViewL a
O(1). Analyse the left end of a sequence.
data ViewR a
View of the right end of a sequence.
EmptyRempty sequence
(:>) (Seq a) athe sequence minus the rightmost element, and the rightmost element
show/hide Instances
Functor ViewR
(Eq a, ??? a) => Eq (ViewR a)
(Show a, ??? a) => Show (ViewR a)
viewr :: Seq a -> ViewR a
O(1). Analyse the right end of a sequence.
length :: Seq a -> Int
O(1). The number of elements in the sequence.
index :: Seq a -> Int -> a
O(log(min(i,n-i))). The element at the specified position
adjust :: (a -> a) -> Int -> Seq a -> Seq a
O(log(min(i,n-i))). Update the element at the specified position
update :: Int -> a -> Seq a -> Seq a
O(log(min(i,n-i))). Replace the element at the specified position
take :: Int -> Seq a -> Seq a
O(log(min(i,n-i))). The first i elements of a sequence.
drop :: Int -> Seq a -> Seq a
O(log(min(i,n-i))). Elements of sequence after the first i.
splitAt :: Int -> Seq a -> (Seq a, Seq a)
O(log(min(i,n-i))). Split a sequence at a given position.
fromList :: [a] -> Seq a
O(n). Create a sequence from a finite list of elements.
toList :: Seq a -> [a]
O(n). List of elements of the sequence.
Right associative
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Seq a -> b
O(n*t). Fold over the elements of a sequence, associating to the right.
foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Seq a -> a
O(n*t). A variant of foldr that has no base case, and thus may only be applied to non-empty sequences.
foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Seq a -> b
O(n*t). Fold over the elements of a sequence, associating to the right, but strictly.
foldrM :: Monad m => (a -> b -> m b) -> b -> Seq a -> m b
O(n*t). Monadic fold over the elements of a sequence, associating to the right, i.e. from right to left.
Left associative
foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Seq b -> a
O(n*t). Fold over the elements of a sequence, associating to the left.
foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Seq a -> a
O(n*t). A variant of foldl that has no base case, and thus may only be applied to non-empty sequences.
foldl' :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Seq b -> a
O(n*t). Fold over the elements of a sequence, associating to the right, but strictly.
foldlM :: Monad m => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> Seq b -> m a
O(n*t). Monadic fold over the elements of a sequence, associating to the left, i.e. from left to right.
reverse :: Seq a -> Seq a
O(n). The reverse of a sequence.
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