
The TreeModelSort is a model that turns any object that implements the TreeModel interface into a store that is sorted.

It does not hold any data itself, but rather is created with a child model and proxies its data. It has identical column types to this child model, and the changes in the child are propagated. The primary purpose of this model is to provide a way to sort a different model without modifying it.

treeModelSortNewWithModel :: TreeModelClass tm => tm -> IO TreeModelSort
treeModelSortGetModel :: TreeModelSortClass obj => obj -> IO TreeModel
treeModelSortConvertChildPathToPath :: TreeModelSortClass obj => obj -> TreePath -> IO TreePath
treeModelSortConvertPathToChildPath :: TreeModelSortClass obj => obj -> TreePath -> IO TreePath
treeModelSortConvertChildIterToIter :: TreeModelSortClass obj => obj -> TreeIter -> IO TreeIter
treeModelSortConvertIterToChildIter :: TreeModelSortClass obj => obj -> TreeIter -> IO TreeIter
treeModelSortResetDefaultSortFunc :: TreeModelSortClass obj => obj -> IO ()
treeModelSortNewWithModel :: TreeModelClass tm => tm -> IO TreeModelSort
Creates a new TreeModelSort, that will be a sorted view of the given model.
treeModelSortGetModel :: TreeModelSortClass obj => obj -> IO TreeModel
Returns the underlying model the TreeModelSort is sorting.
treeModelSortConvertChildPathToPath :: TreeModelSortClass obj => obj -> TreePath -> IO TreePath
Converts the given path to a path relative to the given sorted model. That is, the given path points to a row in the child model. The returned path will point to the same row in the sorted model.
treeModelSortConvertPathToChildPath :: TreeModelSortClass obj => obj -> TreePath -> IO TreePath
Converts path in the sorted model to a path on the unsorted model on which the given TreeModelSort is based. That is, the given path points to a location in the given TreeModelSort. The returned path will point to the same location in the underlying unsorted model.
treeModelSortConvertChildIterToIter :: TreeModelSortClass obj => obj -> TreeIter -> IO TreeIter
Return an iterator in the sorted model that points to the row pointed to by the given iter from the unsorted model.
treeModelSortConvertIterToChildIter :: TreeModelSortClass obj => obj -> TreeIter -> IO TreeIter
Return an iterator in the unsorted model that points to the row pointed to by the given iter from the sorted model.
treeModelSortResetDefaultSortFunc :: TreeModelSortClass obj => obj -> IO ()
This resets the default sort function to be in the 'unsorted' state. That is, it is in the same order as the child model. It will re-sort the model to be in the same order as the child model only if the TreeModelSort is in 'unsorted' state.
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