This abstract widget provides a division line with a handle that can be used by the user to divide the given space between two widgets. The two concrete implementations are HPaned and VPaned.
panedAdd1 :: (PanedClass p, WidgetClass w) => p -> w -> IO ()
panedAdd2 :: (PanedClass p, WidgetClass w) => p -> w -> IO ()
panedPack1 :: (PanedClass p, WidgetClass w) => p -> w -> Bool -> Bool -> IO ()
panedPack2 :: (PanedClass p, WidgetClass w) => p -> w -> Bool -> Bool -> IO ()
panedSetPosition :: PanedClass p => p -> Int -> IO ()
panedGetPosition :: PanedClass p => p -> IO Int
panedGetChild1 :: PanedClass p => p -> IO Widget
panedGetChild2 :: PanedClass p => p -> IO Widget
panedAdd1 :: (PanedClass p, WidgetClass w) => p -> w -> IO ()

Add a widget to the first (top or left) area.

  • The widget does not expand if Paned expands. It does not shrink either.
panedAdd2 :: (PanedClass p, WidgetClass w) => p -> w -> IO ()

Add a widget to the second (bottom or right) area.

  • The widget does not expand if Paned expands. But it does shrink.
panedPack1 :: (PanedClass p, WidgetClass w) => p -> w -> Bool -> Bool -> IO ()
Add a widget to the first area and specify its resizing behaviour.
panedPack2 :: (PanedClass p, WidgetClass w) => p -> w -> Bool -> Bool -> IO ()
Add a widget to the second area and specify its resizing behaviour.
panedSetPosition :: PanedClass p => p -> Int -> IO ()
Set the gutter to the specified position (in pixels).
panedGetPosition :: PanedClass p => p -> IO Int
Get the gutter position (in pixels).
panedGetChild1 :: PanedClass p => p -> IO Widget
Obtains the first child of the paned widget.
panedGetChild2 :: PanedClass p => p -> IO Widget
Obtains the second child of the paned widget.
Produced by Haddock version 0.6