Portabilityportable (depends on GHC)
Utility functions
Interfaces for drag-and-drop support in TreeView.
treeModelEqual :: (TreeModelClass tm1, TreeModelClass tm2) => tm1 -> tm2 -> Bool
treeGetRowDragData :: SelectionDataM (Maybe (TreeModel, TreePath))
treeSetRowDragData :: TreeModelClass treeModel => treeModel -> TreePath -> SelectionDataM Bool
TreeViews provide special support for Drag-and-Drop such as hover-to-open-rows or autoscrolling. This module implements two utility functions that set and get a path and a model in a Selection structure. These functions are thus useful to implement drag-and-drop functionality in a TreeModel. In fact, they are used as part of the default drag-and-drop interfaces of ListStore and TreeStore that allows to permute rows and move them between hierarchy levels.
Utility functions
treeModelEqual :: (TreeModelClass tm1, TreeModelClass tm2) => tm1 -> tm2 -> Bool
Compare two tree model for equality.
treeGetRowDragData :: SelectionDataM (Maybe (TreeModel, TreePath))
Obtains a TreeModel and a path from SelectionDataM whenever the target name is GTK_TREE_MODEL_ROW. Normally called from a treeDragDestDragDataReceived handler.
treeSetRowDragData :: TreeModelClass treeModel => treeModel -> TreePath -> SelectionDataM Bool

Sets selection data with the target name GTK_TREE_MODEL_ROW, consisting of a TreeModel and a TreePath. Normally used in a treeDragSourceDragDataGet handler.

  • Returns True if setting the data was successful.
Produced by Haddock version 0.8