quickcheck and ghci

Marco Túlio Gontijo e Silva marcot at debian.org
Tue Apr 26 22:32:19 BST 2011


Excerpts from Nick Smallbone's message of Ter Abr 26 16:01:35 -0300 2011:
> > A second approach is to split this module in another package, for example,
> > quickcheck-th.  The advantage is that, with the first approach, we either
> > remove this module from Debian or keep the undesired dependency in TH.  With
> > the second approach, the module can be kept in Debian without requiring the
> > dependency in TH for the quickcheck package.
> With this new flag, won't QC depend on TH only on architectures where
> TH is available? Setup.lhs will set the templateHaskell flag if the
> template-haskell package exists and clear the flag otherwise, and it
> only issues a Build-depends: template-haskell if the flag is true, so
> it'll all work out automatically, won't it?

Yes, you're right, there's no need of splitting the package.

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