LHC+base now installable with cabal-install!

Austin Seipp mad.one at gmail.com
Wed Dec 10 20:48:28 EST 2008


I spent a little time in the past day hacking together a custom
Setup.hs that can be used to install LHC+base with just cabal-install.

I have just uploaded a version of lhc to hackage - 0.6.20081210.1 - that
you can install and optionally build the base library with, by passing
a flag e.g.

  $ cabal update; sudo cabal install lhc -fwith-base

You will need to use sudo or somesuch, because the procedure will
default to installing the base library with no prefix right now,
meaning it will probably install to something like

We need to change where lhc looks for packages (and basically how it
handles packages) as well as how cabal deals with lhc's packages
before we can remove this - because we install the base library as a
post-installation hook, I need to get information about where to
prefix the installation to from there. We could probably default to
something like $HOME/lib/ I guess, but right now this will do I

BIG NOTE: while you can probably still just do 'cabal install lhc'
with cabal 1.6, if you want to use the -fwith-base flag you need to
have at least cabal 1.7, since it has lhc support and we use cabal in
the post-installation hook to install lhc's base package.


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