final path to 7.10.2...

Mark Lentczner mark.lentczner at
Sun Jul 26 16:08:43 BST 2015

Ah... well.... The GHC bindist includes all the haddock for the packages
that it comes with, as well as the composite index pages. The platform
includes the GHC bindist, as is, and hence you get the master index for GHC
packages on it's own. The platform then uses those haddock pages, but not
that index, and builds an composite index for both the GHC packages and the
platform packages.

It isn't haddock, but cabal that directs the location of the revised
composite index when installing packages. The situation is messy, but at
present, works for global, user, and sandbox installs - assuming the cabal
configuration is correct. On OS X, the installer supplies a cabal wrapper
that writes a default correct configuration in the users .cabal/config file.

tl;dr: It comes from GHC's bindist, and we generally treat that as

- Mark

On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 1:22 PM, Sven Panne <svenpanne at> wrote:

> 2015-07-24 18:09 GMT+02:00 Randy Polen <randyhaskell at>:
>> Sven,
>> Sorry I didn't respond here, but the first two issues are
>> in the github issues list for haskell-platform, where I have
>> marked them for 7.10.2 (Windows-specific)
>>  * #191 haddock hard-coded path
>> * #189 WARNING: cache is out of date:...
>> For the "missing documentation" issue, I assume you mean
>>  your message
> Yes.
>> is this on Windows only? [...]
> Hmmm, it seems that I was just confused by the directory layout:
>  * file:///C:/Program%20Files/Haskell%20Platform/7.10.2/doc/html/libraries/index.html:
> This seems to be the documentation for some of the packages shipped with
> GHC, but I've got no clue why it is only a subset of those. As it is, this
> index is basically useless and should either be fixed or left out. On
> Linux, this index is located at
> file:///usr/local/haskell/ghc-
>  * file:///C:/Program%20Files/Haskell%20Platform/7.10.2/lib/extralibs/doc/index.html:
> This seems to be the documentation for all packages in the HP, I didn't
> find that one previously. A tiny nit: This index is missing the rightmost
> column (mentioning the package the corresponding module is in) for the
> packages not directly shipped with GHC (i.e. all "true" HP packages).  On
> Linux, this index is located at
> file:///usr/local/haskell/ghc-
>    * The directory structure for the documentation on Linux is
> fundamentally different than the one on Windows, which doesn't really help
> when trying to figure out things. :-/
> So in a nutshell: Things are quite confusing here, but nothing is really
> broken. Hopefully Haddock will install new packages into the right location
> out of the box, this could not be tested due to the other bug. Nevertheless
> it would be nice if things could be unified a bit between platforms and all
> modules get a package comment in the right column.
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