[haskell-llvm] Looking to transition maintainership of the llvm package(s)

Henning Thielemann lemming at henning-thielemann.de
Tue Mar 12 09:51:41 GMT 2013

On Tue, 12 Mar 2013, Marcelo Sousa wrote:

> Hello Bryan, 
> I forked the repository and I have been updating it to newer versions of LLVM and also extending the LLVM
> C++ and C binding libraries  because they are quite incomplete. 
> My repository is at: https://github.com/marcelosousa/llvm.
> I could definitely be one of the maintainers since I'm still using the library quite extensively and I'm
> interested on it to be up to date to extract the bytecode information accurately. I'm not interested in
> using the library for code generation so someone could maintain that part.

... I did another fork in order to update to type-families, since in 
GHC-7.4 the handling of functional dependencies became so slow in a 
particular case that one of my modules needed 15min to compile. Since I 
find git dangerous (pushed to wrong branch several times) and the WWW 
based frontend of github extremely cumbersome I made my fork in darcs:


If there are maintainers who are happy with git, then I am ok with 
contributing to git, though. I am willing to merge my fork to the new llvm 

I also develop the llvm-extra package that adds some nice features on top 
of 'llvm'. Maybe the new maintainers want to integrate some of the 
functionality into the base package:


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