[haskell-llvm] (StructFields s) vs. IsType (Struct s)

Henning Thielemann lemming at henning-thielemann.de
Wed Sep 28 10:18:58 BST 2011

Maybe this is a logical problem:

GHC says

     Could not deduce (llvm- s)
       from the context (IsType (Struct s), ...)
     Possible fix:
       add (llvm- s) to the context ...

I could just add the (StructFields s) constraint, but StructFields is not 
exported. I thought that adding (IsType (Struct s)) is also ok, since the 
llvm package exports the instance:
    StructFields s => IsType (Struct s)

Has anyone an idea, why GHC does not accept my (IsType (Struct s)) 

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