[haskell-llvm] Beginner - Anonymous Functions

Elliott Pace etp20 at cam.ac.uk
Fri Nov 18 15:55:47 GMT 2011

On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 3:02 PM, Henning Thielemann <
lemming at henning-thielemann.de> wrote:

> I have still no idea, what you actually want to achieve in the end.

I'd like to have "curried" functions. To do this, I need to track
previously entered arguments to a function. The way in which I'm doing this
is that a function value (which is called using call') is a pair of
pointers, one to the code of the function and one to the linked list of

So, a function that is "naturally" Int -> Int -> Int, would be something

plus x y = x + y;

Transforms to:

plus is a pair of pointers ( pointer to f_plus, null pointer ), to call
plus with an x, we give f_plus(x, null_pointer):

f_plus(x, previous_args):
    ptr = malloc(2)
    ptr[0] = x
    ptr[1] = previous_args

    res = malloc(2)
    res[0] = f_plus'
    res[1] = ptr

    return res

f_plus' will then walk the linked list to get x, and sum it with the passed
in y.

Have I made sense with that?

What problems does it cause?

call' :: Value (FunctionValue (LLNodePtr a -> b -> IO c)) -> b ->
CodeGenFunction r c

call' fvaluePtr x = do

    f <- load fvaluePtr

    listPtr <- getElementPtr fvaluePtr (1 :: Word32, ())
--    let _ = listPtr :: Value (Ptr (LLNodePtr a))

    llnodePtr <- load listPtr

    call f llnodePtr x


    Couldn't match expected type `Ptr a'

           against inferred type `LLNodePtr a -> b -> IO c'
      Expected type: LLNodePtr a -> b -> IO c
      Inferred type: Ptr (LLNodePtr a -> b -> IO c) -> b1

    When using functional dependencies to combine
      CallArgs (a -> b) (Value a -> b') r,
        arising from the dependency `g -> r f'

        in the instance declaration at <no location info>
        (LLNodePtr a -> b -> IO c)
        (Value (Ptr (LLNodePtr a -> b -> IO c))
         -> b
         -> CodeGenFunction r c)

        arising from a use of `call' at Souffle/LLVM.hs:65:4-21

    When generalising the type(s) for `call''

 I'm not sure when to typecast to () and back here?

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