[haskell-llvm] duplicate linking to LLVM libraries

Henning Thielemann lemming at henning-thielemann.de
Wed Jul 13 15:05:22 BST 2011

If I install the llvm package as it is, then programs importing 'llvm' 
will abort with the following violated assert:

llvm/examples> Array.exe
Two passes with the same argument (-preverify) attempted to be registered!
UNREACHABLE executed at .../llvm-2.8/include/llvm/Support/PassNameParser.h:73!

I have compiled LLVM with ASSERTs enabled. I assume that without 
assertions, the program will just crash and this might be the reason for 
the bug that is currently open at github.


I already reported problem and reason earlier, but did not get a reply:

I think

   ld-options: /usr/local/lib/libLLVM-2.8rc.so

in llvm-0.9.*.conf is the problem, since when cleared to


(and package config updated using "ghc-pkg recache --user") then compiled 
programs work.

Since these ld-options are intentionally inserted by the configure script, 
I like to know, why or where they are necessary. If I just remove then, 
then something else might not work.

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