[haskell-llvm] haskell-llvm An LLVM backend for DDC

Erik de Castro Lopo mle+hs at mega-nerd.com
Sun Jun 27 07:14:51 EDT 2010

David Terei wrote:

> If you decide to use the interface that I wrote then please be aware
> there are some design problems with it that you may want to fix up.
> The main issue is that I use the Show type class and some functions
> for handling printing out the llvm code.

I've spent a couple of hours this weekend having a look. I managed
to grab your code from the compiler/llvmGen directory of the GHC
darcs repo and managed to generate a rudimentary LLVM module that
compiles to assembler using llc.

The biggest problem I have run into so far is that the code relies
on a number of modules (Unique, FastString etc) that seem to be
internal to ghc, but which are available using

    -packge ghc-6.12.1

on the ghc command line. This is ok for now while I'm still getting
a handle on the code and tracking your changes, but obviously longer
term I'd need to remove or replace these modules.

I'm also thinking that it might be nice to turn this code into a
package and upload it to hackage.

Erik de Castro Lopo

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