Build and installation instructions ----------------------------------- Please don't think of these as canonical build instructions yet, as this work is rather early along. Let me tell you what's working for *me*, and hopefully this information will be enough to get you going. Prerequisites ------------- Firstly, you'll need to have LLVM. I recommend installing LLVM version 2.6 (from which is what it's been tested with. Install from source.: Build this and install it somewhere. Follow the LLVM instructions, or use this: cd llvm ./configure --prefix=$SOMEWHERE make make install It's a good idea to have $SOMEWHERE/bin is in your path. Installing from source on Windows requires MinGW. Building -------- It's normal cabal package, but using a configure script as well to configure LLVM. Do A or B. A) If you have cabal-install just do cabal install --configure-option --with-llvm-prefix=$SOMEWHERE B) If you don't have cabal-install: Configure the package. runhaskell Setup configure --configure-option --with-llvm-prefix=$SOMEWHERE Build. runhaskell Setup build Install. runhaskell Setup install Building examples ----------------- In the examples directory are a few example programs. There's a GNU Make Makefile in there, so running "make" in that directory will build the examples, as will "make examples" in the top-level directory. Doing "make run" will build and run the examples. Note: On MacOS X you get a lot of "atom sorting error" warnings. They seem to be harmless.